Saturday, June 7, 2008

Our First Baby!!!

As far as life's coolest experiences go this scored second place! Seeing our baby for the first time (even though it was just on a screen) was.... amazing... ummm.... yeah no words to describe it. Watching the legs and arms kicking around even though it is still so tiny... whoa... like I said, really cool! One of my favorite parts of this was seeing Chris's reaction. Neither of us knew what to expect at all so when that little baby showed up on the screen Chris was immediately out of his seat leaning over me to get a closer look. He had the biggest smile on is face and kept saying "No way!" over and over again. For both of us this moment was when it first seemed real that we are actually going to have a baby.


Shmoe said...

you have such a cute baby I am so excited!!


p.s. awsome blog!!! Love ITTT!!!!!

C.B. said...

Isn't that just so surreal seeing your baby up on a screen for the first time. I cried a little. Your litle one is amazing. So excited to meet him\her!

The Universal Press said...

another grandchild! Heck yes!

Justin and Michelle Klingler said...

Hey guys check out my other blog at ! Ha, im dumb but maybe you will think its funny. I like the pics of your wee one by the way. Love ya guys!

Anonymous said...

Congatulations on your little one!! So cute!! Its so awesome being a Mommy, and i'm sure daniel would agree on the same thing for being a daddy. :) How fun!! Hope the pregnancy goes smoothly!!

Jeremy and Brigitte said...

Hello Hello. I blog hopped over from Michell's blog. Congradulations on your baby!
-Brigitte (your fiddler on the roof friend)

Justin and Michelle Klingler said...

Hey guys you should update your blog. You are being missed. We love you guys and hope that you are having an awesome 1st Anniversary today! Congratulations.

Costa Rica Crazy

We just figured that since a lot of you haven't had a chance to see some of these pictures that we would post them. Don't get too jealous!